Enter Private Test n Tune Enter Private test n tune Private Test n Tune Entry Name* First Name Last Name Address* Suburb* State*StateACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWAPostcode* Mobile No.* Email Address* Select your Race Category*TnT Car/Bike entryTnT JuniorSelect the class you race using the drop down boxAndra Race No.* Vehicle Make* Vehicle Model* I have read & agree with the track Sub Regulations for this event* Yes I agree to T’s & C’s and Sub regs All Track info and Sub regs are available on our web page. Note our cancellation/refund policy: If we cancel the event prior – we will fully refund you no issues! Total $ 0.00 Once you have completed this section youll be directed to the payment page. Your entry is only complete once paid for. Please note, you will receive a payment confirmation which is all you need as proof of entry/payment.