Enter Next Fast Friday Event Enter Next Fast Friday Event Fast Friday Name* First Name Last Name Address* Suburb* State*StateACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWAPostcode Mobile No.* Pls note: This may be used for sms contact during events.Email Address* Select your Group / Class*Street Car or Bike $85 (C/card fee $2.90)Competition Vehicle $85 (C/card fee $2.90)Select the class you wish to enter to give us better understanding of what type of vehicles to expect on the day.Additional Crew Members ($25ea)None1234Andra Race No. Vehicle Name / Team Vehicle Make* Vehicle Model* Engine Capacity I have read & agree with the track Sub Regulations for this event* Yes I agree to T’s & C’s and Sub regs All Track info and Sub regs are available on our web page. Note our cancellation/refund policy: If we cancel the event prior – we will fully refund you no issues! If you cancel/withdraw from the event by the Thursday prior (notify us by email) we will refund you in full no issues! If you ask fail to notify us as above or dont front – you forfeit your entry.Total $ 0.00 Once you have completed this section youll be directed to the payment page. Your entry is only complete once paid for. Please note, you will receive a payment confirmation which is all you need as proof of entry/payment.